A Guide to Free-Spirited Probiotic Mixology & Delicious Kombucha Mocktails

5 Minute Read

In this guide, you’ll be introduced to new and interesting free-spirited kombucha mocktails that harness the power of fermentation and probiotic gut goodness.

Welcome adventurous mixologists to the world of probiotic mocktails. In this guide, you’ll be introduced to new and interesting free-spirited drink combinations that harness the power of fermentation and probiotic gut goodness, using Buchi Kombucha and Kefir Soda.


Following a 2,000-year-old craft brewing tradition, we brew our living, probiotic-rich, and all-natural beverages using the finest fair trade organic teas, fruits, spices, medicinal herbs and extracts.

Download the probiotic mixology guide

Thoughtful Recipes & Musings

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